AWS EC2 - Create an ELB with Fog
22 Nov 2013I like to post things that are helpful and not highly documented. Here is an example of building out ELBs via the ruby gem fog:
require 'fog'
connection = => access_key, :aws_secret_access_key => secret_key, :region => "us-east-1")
#Build the Load Balancer
availability_zones = ["us-east-1d", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
listeners = [ { "Protocol" => "HTTP", "LoadBalancerPort" => 80, "InstancePort" => 8080, "InstanceProtocol" => "HTTP" } ]
result = connection.create_load_balancer(availability_zones, "mynewlb", listeners)
if result.status != 200
puts "ELB creation failed!"
#Let's get the new load balancer's object
elb = connection.load_balancers.get("mynewlb")
#Let's configure a faster health check
health_check_config = { "HealthyThreshold" => 2, "Interval" => 30, "Target" => "TCP:80", "Timeout" => 5, "UnhealthyThreshold" => 3 }
health_check_result = connection.configure_health_check("mynewlb", health_check_config)
if health_check_result.status != 200
puts "Failed health check configuration request"
Now you should have a new ELB in Amazon EC2 with some basic health checks and a listener on 80 pointing to 8080.